Summer Recipe: Watermelon-Lemon Electrolyte Drink

Staying hydrated is so important, especially in the summer heat! While plain water is always a good choice, infusing it with some summer fruit and herbs makes it a great option to serve to guests or to enjoy for yourself. Read below for a recipe from our Registered Dietician, Adrienne Raimo! You can find more on her website here.

Recipe: Watermelon-Lemon Electrolyte Drink

Prep time <5 minutes

Watermelon, cubed
Lemon, sliced
Mint sprig, fresh
Rosemary sprig, fresh
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt (Celtic or Himalayan)
2-3 tablespoons honey (we used raw)
Pure, filtered water to fill the container
16 drops trace mineral (i.e. Concentrace), optional

Place watermelon cubes, fresh sprigs of mint and rosemary in container. Add sea salt and honey, then fill to brim with pure water. Allow flavors to meld a bit and enjoy immediately or store in fridge until at desired coolness. Keeps in fridge for about 1-2 days. Use: sip during workouts or long days in hot weather.

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